Information Communication Technology Department
Information Communication Technology Department
Head of Department
Mr Ng Jenn Yang
Email: [email protected]_
Department Goals/Objectives:
ICT Vision of the School
Transformative Teaching and Learning Experiences
- To enhance Teaching & Learning
- To support Self-directed and Collaborative Learning
- To support the development of Digital Literacies
Curriculum & Assessments:
- Computing (O Level - 7155)
- Computer Applications (N Level -7018)
Department Programmes:
In alignment with the National Digital Literacy Programme’s (NDLP) aim to strengthen students’ digital literacy in order for them to be future-ready, the Springfield ICT Department has developed and ran programmes which allows students to acquire digital skills across four components, i.e. “Find, Think, Apply, Create”.
Click HERE to learn more about the National Digital Literacy Programme (NDLP)
New Media Literacy Programme
To support the Personalised Learning Environment, students will access self-paced
SLS lessons on New Media Literacy and attend engagement sessions to develop their dispositions, knowledge and skills to thrive in the digital environment.
The New Media Literacy programme aims to equip students with the competencies to Curate, Create, Connect information in the digital networked environment and to Apply the productivity skills to operate devices and software effectively.
Lower Secondary Coding Programme
In Springfield, the Lower Secondary students will attend a series of coding lessons to develop them computational thinking skills and seed their interest for the one of the most important languages of the future, i.e. programming.
As part of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education, students will have the hands-on experience on robot (mBots) programming using block-based programming.
The micro:bit lessons is another signature programme that allow students to develop logical thinking and design skills. Students are provided the opportunities to apply these skills in Interdisciplinary Project Work (IPW) and Applied Learning Programme (ALP).
The Lower Secondary coding programme not only equips the students with an important digital competency skill, it also lays the foundation for the aspiring students to offer Computing as an O Level subject in the Upper Secondary.
Cyber Wellness Programme
The Springfield Cyber Wellness programme focuses on equipping students with an understanding of online behaviour and enable them to be responsible for their own well-being in cyberspace. The ICT department works with the CCE committee to run a myriad of activities ranging from Cyber Wellness talk, CCE lessons and post-exam programmes to teach the students to:
- Sense - Identify possible online risks and protect themselves
- Think - Analyze, evaluate and reflect on a situation based on the CW principles.
- Act - Take actions to keep safe and be a positive influence online.
- Annual CPA Animation & Game Making Competition
- National Infocomm Competition by IMDA
- East Zone Hackathon