Physical Education Department
Physical Education Department
Head of Department
Mr Marcus Lau Kok Hiong
Email: [email protected]_
Physical well-being has far-reaching and universal implications for today’s day and age. It is a balance between physical activities and sound health practices. It encapsulates the foundations of Science and Arts. It underpins our lifestyles choices and our ability to maintain wellness in every possible dimension of our lives. Like most good things we know of in life, physical well-being is easier said than done – there is a vast difference between knowing it and actually doing it. In Springfield, we are committed to not just taking the first step towards this goal but making quantum leaps toward unleashing the true potential of our existence. We invite you to join us on this journey.
Our Objectives
- Equip students with the knowledge and understanding of good personal and social health practices.
- Instill the importance of physical activities and body fitness.
- Provide students with the avenue and opportunity to discover and exploit their talents and potential in a variety of sports and physical activities.
- Enable responsible thinking, self-expression and character development through experiential learning in physical activities.
- Cater for elements of fun, play, and recreation as part of every pupil’s development.
General Outline
All pupils undergo the fundamentals of fitness & conditioning and health education. Movement concepts are introduced through Springfield’s unique sport climbing programme. Intra-school games, known as Team Challenge are organized for the pupils to promote teamwork and life-long sports. Running is also part of the school’s culture..
The Lower Secondary pupils are provided with a core programme of Sports Climbing and Team sports - Netball, Floorball, Basketball, and Football. Pupils in Secondary Two are given certification in Sports Climbing Level 1.
Upper Secondary pupils focus on game concepts of various sports to gain skills and knowledge of a spectrum of sports, ranging from touch rugby to badminton. Sec 3 students also go through outdoor education modules to prepare themselves for the MOE-OBS Cohort Camp.
Students are assessed on game concepts of various sports ranging from territorial to net barrier games. Furthermore, there is a component on positive traits as physical education lessons are the best platform for character development.