Home School Partnership
Home School Partnership
Dear Parents / Guardians,
Springfield Secondary School is committed to build a positive partnership with parents in order to develop our students as Future-Ready Learners with a Caring Heart and the Confidence to Lead, who are grounded in our STRIDE school values of Service, Tenacity, Respect, Integrity, Diligence and Empathy. We need to prepare them to be adaptable and resilient, to be able to respect differences and embrace diversity; in so doing, let us work together to live out our school motto of ‘Better Self for Better Tomorrow’.
In order to have better home-school partnership, we hope the following guidelines provide greater clarity on how we can work hand-in-hand to help our students have ownership over their learning, develop a sense of purpose and success in life.
To instill personal responsibility and independence in our students, teachers will communicate directly with them on matters pertaining to schoolwork/ CCA, e.g., homework to be done, materials to be brought to school etc. We encourage parents to check in with your child/ ward on these and have them seek assistance directly from teachers if necessary.
Parents will be kept informed of school events and student attendance, HBL days etc. via notices sent out through Parents Gateway (PG). Teachers may also contact you to discuss support for or well-being of your child/ward. If there is a need, parents may use the following channels to reach teachers:
• School General Office: 6318 3053
• School Email: [email protected]
• Specific Teacher’s Email that can be found at: /about-us/our-organisation/
You may also check with your child’s/ward’s teacher on the best way to contact him/her.
Teachers will generally be contactable during the timings stipulated below:
During School Term |
During School Holidays |
Weekdays 7.00 am to 5.30 pm, excluding public holidays.
You may call the General Office during weekday hours (from 8 am – 5 pm);
or email the school with your query.
The school will endeavour to respond to your inquiry within a day or two for straightforward matters. Queries that require checking or further investigation may take longer (3- 5 working days). We would appreciate your understanding that there may be a delay should the teacher be away or on leave.
Appointments to meet with teachers should preferably be made at least three days in advance during the school term. Parents may call the General Office, email the school, or contact the teacher directly to make the appointment.
The school looks forward to a productive partnership with parents. Nevertheless, it is important to know that all Civil Servants are protected under the Protection from Harassment Act (PoHA); and the school reserves the right not to engage with individuals who are disrespectful, rude or abusive to our staff. For details, please refer to https://sso.agc.gov.sg/Act/PHA2014.