National Digital Literacy Programme (NDLP)
National Digital Literacy Programme (NDLP)

The National Digital Literacy Programme was launched in March 2020 and is intended to equip all Secondary Students with digital literacies across the 4 components: Find, Think, Apply and Create.
Through the NDLP, students will own personal learning devices (PLD) that will enable them to learn effectively through ICT mediated activities. The device will be used to facilitate an environment that encourages personalised learning. Support will be given to ensure that no child is denied of this opportunity. Singapore Citizen students can use their Edusave Account to pay for the PLD.
Springfield Secondary is scheduled for Phase 1 implementation and the non-graduating students in Secondary 1, 2 and 3 will be receiving the PLD in Term 2, 2021.
Intended Outcome
There are 3 intended outcomes of the 1:1 personalized learning environment.
The use of the personal learning devices for teaching and learning will
1) Support the development of digital literacies, where students will learn digital skills such as gathering and evaluating information online, interacting with the online community, and creating digital products.
2) Support self-directed and collaborative learning, where students can access digital resources on their own to acquire knowledge about a topic of their interest beyond the curriculum. They can also share and build on one another's ideas, and refine their own understanding.
3) Enhance Teaching & Learning. 1:1 learning environment allows teachers and students to harness technology for greater effectiveness in teaching. For example, instructions, activities and feedback for each student could be more tailored and relevant to students' learning needs.
For information on the parents' engagement on NDLP, you may click HERE to download the slides.
Springfield Digital Learning Vision

At Springfield Secondary School, your child will be using PLD for active learning in all subjects, including the conduct, completion & submission of authentic learning/inquiry tasks that require research, digital creation and collaborative learning.
The students will also be embarking on a series of self-paced New Media Literacies lessons on the Student Learning Space (SLS), with facilitated discussions on cyber wellness, key digital skills and literacies by teachers.

The device that the students will be purchasing is intended for Teaching & Learning purposes, and device affordability for all students is one of the considerations.
The cost of the device bundle can be paid using your child's Edusave account, after setting aside provision for payment of second-tier miscellaneous fees.
To ensure the affordability of devices, there was a one-time Edusave top-up of $200 in April 2020 to support the purchase of the device. This is on top of the annual $290 credited into the Edusave account for Secondary School students. Most Singapore Citizen students would have sufficient funds in the Edusave account after the top-up. Should the Edusave funds be insufficient, cash out-of-pocket would be kept low.
For students on MOE Financial Assistance Scheme, subsidies are available even if there is insufficient Edusave balance. The cash out-of-pocket will be $0.
Additional subsidies are available for students who need financial assistance, and that parents should approach the school for more information.
Supporting Students in the Responsible Use of the Devices
The school has in place some measures to enable a safe and seamless learning environment for students. The role of the parent is also key in partnering the school to support your child.
Cyber Wellness Education
In addition to the implementation of CCE2021 syllabus, the school has strategies to enable school-wide implementation of CCE. These include:
Promoting a Peer Support Culture, by nurturing Peer Support Leaders and ICT Representatives
Promoting Digital defence under the Total Defence, which requires every individual to be the first line of defence against threats from the digital domain
Students test-driving their future with the Singtel Cyber Security Experience
To support you in keeping your child safe online, you may refer to these resources:
To view or download the Parent Handbook on 1-to-1 Learning, you may click on the resources below:
Device Management Application (DMA)
All student PLDs will be installed with the Device Management Application (DMA) to provide a safer digital environment for learning.
To find out more about the DMA, please click here.